Taemin “Move” Music Video Review

What I get out of it, he seems to be part of an underground type gang based on the written papers posted on the wall and the fact he’s pretty much in an alleyway and just meets Koharu there. Also, he seems to be the leader based on the $500,000,000 (I’m exaggerating) Gucci mask he’s wearing and how the girls flock around him. Speaking of these girls, I didn’t have any problems with them at first and you can’t really notice in this video but in the performance version and live performances that I’ve watched, I can see how much these girls SUCK! They’re killing a perfectly good choreography. Now it’s a bit simple like it’s not as complex as his other choreographies but it’s still difficult. It’s simple but it has the usual Taemin vibe that only he can pull off and make look good like he’s smooth as butter and can dance like no other. But these girls… come on! He’s had tons of backup dancers and they’re usually good and pull off the dance well but these girls are way behind him and out of sync. If they can’t handle the dance, don’t hire them. Not to mention the fact, after the bridge and it gets up to the chorus again; you know how he does that leg move and lifts his right leg really high? The girls only do it like half way and it makes it look so out of sync it’s annoying. That’s the best move of the dance, too! *Sigh* I could complain about these girls all day.

As for the actual video, there’s not much for me to review. He’s dancing in the rain and seems to be in an underground gang like I mentioned before. That would explain cameras too, I guess. What is it with him and getting wet, though? XD Good song, good choreo (only look at either Taemin and Koharu do it and don’t pay attention to the backup dancers ruining it), nice camera work, aesthetically pleasing.

His hair looks good actually and I didn’t like it in the beginning. It grew on me and it’s style well in the scenes it wasn’t wet.

The clothes are all right, I’m not a fan of those big pants but the more I look at them then it doesn’t bother me so much. I preferred the white outfit instead.

Overall rating: 4/5 Stars

It gets a 4 instead of a 5 because I gave “Press Your Number” a 5 and that was just perfection to me. This lacks perfection because it’s just pretty simple and I like the “Press Your Number” music  video more. 4 stars is still a very good rating though and this video deserves it 🙂

Taemin 2nd Album “Move” Review

Taemin Move

1: “Move”

At the first listen, I was like “It’s good but I don’t know if I like it enough for them to have decided to make it the title track. ‘Press Your Number’ is way better!” My my, how a few more listens have changed my thought. I already liked the chorus from day one, I just wasn’t sure about the rest of the song like before the chorus, bridge, etc. But I love this song the more I listen to it and it’s just impossible it seems for him to do something I don’t like. Guys, I’m in love with the right person :’) ❤ The question still stands: is it better than “Press Your Number”? You tell me! 😛

2: “Love”

This is one of my favorites on the album. I listen to it on repeat a lot and HIS VOICE IS SO GOOD!! Well, it always is but sometimes there are those moments where it just takes your breath away, at least for me ^^;;

3: “Crazy 4 U”

I don’t know if this is more Jazz or Blues. Both? I don’t know, it’s one of those and both of those aren’t exactly my favorite genre but it gets your toes tapping and head bopping. I like it! It’s not my favorite on the album but it’s good.

4: “Heart Stop (feat. Seulgi of Red Velvet)”

I’m glad he chose Seulgi to do a duet with out of all the Red Velvet members because I think her voice matches his the best. It’s a nicely balanced song. She doesn’t get more lines but just enough. She doesn’t sing over him either like a lot of people that duets with them do and are a bunch of hams. Nicely done, a duet I like for once. Good job! 🙂

5: “Rise”

Best.Song.On.The.Album!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ His voice! *cries a river* Anyone else getting “Soldier” vibes? It’s like a “Soldier 2.0”, haha. I wonder if it really is!

In love.gif

6: “Thirsty”

One of my other favorites on the album! Ah, his voice :’) EEEEEEKKKKK!

7: “Stone Heart”

At first, it didn’t do much for me so I didn’t really listen to it again but I had to for the review and now I’m wondering why I only listened to it once. It’s a really good song and I like the chorus a lot! I would say that I’m getting some pop music vibes but that would be an insult since I despise pop music. I hate American music! But let’s just say, it’s different from K-Pop? But then again, SHINee are always different ❤

8: “Back to You”‘

Why is this so sad? 😥 Listen to that pain in his voice! I like how it’s just a guitar and vocals. One of his best ballads! 😀

9: “Flame of Love (Korean ver.) (Bonus Track)”

Well, we already know how I feel about this song. I won’t let the fact that I like the Japanese version better; hold that against it. Also, I’ve heard this version so many times so I’m used to it by now.

Overal rating: 5/5 Stars

What to expect from Taemin? All his albums are masterpieces and it seems to me that he just continues to improve and have albums one after the other that just keep getting better. I didn’t think it was possible but I won’t doubt him again ❤

Review: Jonghyun–The Collection (Story OP. 2)



1: “Lonely (feat. Taeyeon)”

One of Jonghyun’s best title tracks in quite awhile for me. As we all know (probably), I am not a fan of Taeyeon’s but I do like her voice and it’s a nice asset to this song. I guess you could say; she makes it 🙂

2: “1000”

It’s an okay song. I’ll forget about it two minutes after listening to it, though. It’s a bit boring for me.

3: “Just Chill”

Sometimes songs are so boring or so unforgettable or so bad, that you just don’t know what to say after hearing it. The chorus is all I remember from this and I’ll forget it soon, I know I will.

4: “Love is So Nice”

I need something to keep me awake while I’m doing this review and this song is not helping. F.O.R.G.E.T.T.A.B.L.E.

5: “Blinking Game”

It feels like I’m in some 50s night club XD Is that a bad thing? Not if you like 50s night clubs. Do I like them? Nope.

6: “Elevator”

One of my favorites on the album, one of my favorites from him. I might like it more than “Diphylleia Grayi” and that says a lot ❤

7: “Let Me Out”

I still listen to this song on repeat sometimes, that’s how much I love it!

8: “Fireplace”

It’s an okay song. Definitely one of the better ones on this album. I like it, actually 🙂

9: “Our Season”

I don’t remember it already and I just listened to it.

10: “Where Are You”

This kinda makes me think of Akdong Musician, which is okay; I like Akdong Musician. It’s a struggle to find the chorus though… that’s a bit of a problem.

Rating: 3/5 Stars

It’s better than the first “Story OP” but that’s not saying much. Overall, I did enjoy it a lot more.

Review: Jonghyun–The Collection (Story OP. 1)

The reason this review is so late; I didn’t think I would do it. It’s not a comeback, it’s just a collection of songs Jonghyun has composed for Blue Night and such. However, it’s still an album so I thought why not review it.


1: “End of a Day”

This song (I’m not reviewing the music video because he didn’t appear in it) is very forgettable for me. It’s not my favorite song of his but it’s not exactly the worst either. It’s just forgettable and boring for me.

2: “U & I”

This song always makes me think of some Stevie Wonder song XD It’s okay, I like it. It’s good to listen to once in awhile.

3: “Like You”

I don’t know what it is, Jonghyun’s style… I’m just not a fan of it. While there are plenty of songs I do love of his, most of his songs seem to have this style (disco? I don’t know what to call it) and I’m just not a fan. However, I do remember the chorus so that’s a good point about it.

4: “Diphylleia Grayi”

Best song on the album! This has always been one of my favorite songs of his and will forever remain in my heart ❤ I get so much nostalgia whenever I listen to it because I used to listen to it a lot during certain times 🙂

5: “Happy Birthday”

Why does he make a birthday song so seductive? ^^;

6: “I’m Sorry”

I honestly didn’t remember this song until I heard it again. It’s not bad, I’ve heard worse from him.

7: “02:34”

Er… nope… sorry ^^;

8: “Fine”

This is the next best on the album after “Diphylleia Grayi” for me. It’s memorable and I like the chorus.

9: “Maybe Tomorrow”

It’s that style I just don’t like. I really can’t remember it, I feel like I’m saying that about so many songs on this album 😦

Rating: 2.5/5 Stars

It’s just forgettable, everyone. Sorry.


Review: “Tell Me What To Do” Music Video

I definitely procrastinated with this one! XD I did my best to try and explain this plot. There are several theories thrown around (some a bit far-fetched), so you can choose to interpret this any way you want. Of course, SHINee will never explain to us the story exactly…so… XD

First off, let me explain what S1+1Nee means. The + is a symbol that means “divided”, I had to correct those who thought it symbolized a cross XD “S1” would mean a member from SHINee being divided from the other four “1Nee” and the two ones with the + (1+1) equals two–which symbolizes the member and the girl. The member and the girl “S1” divided from the other four members “1Nee”. Did I explain that well?

SHINee are like outcasts and live on their own together in what looks like some abandoned building. At some points in the video, you see the girl with a lit match in her mouth–that symbolizes her sparking a flame among the members. The boys were like family and happy (as happy as can be) when it was just them. Things went all wrong, of course, when the girl showed up.

It’s evident by the way Taemin looks at the girl in the car that he likes her and very evident when he looks heartbroken after seeing her kiss Minho. This is where things get messy. Now Taemin held a lighter a lot throughout the video and drops it at one point. He could have dropped it from his pocket when they get out of the car or he could have just dropped it on the street purposely. Who knows? What we do know is that the car was parked directly underneath the lighter. More on that later! Let’s move onto the fight.

Taemin was fighting Minho because of the girl and how he shouldn’t go with her. It could be jealousy and the cliche “fighting over the girl type thing” but I think it’s more of protection for Minho. Like he was warning her that he shouldn’t go with her and they should stay together–the five of them. It’s like they all knew the girl was ruining them, except Minho.

Minho doesn’t listen and goes with the girl in the car to leave. This is where the lighter and car comes back into play. The car is leaking gasoline and that with the lighter caused the car to explode. I was a bit confued by that, honestly! I was like, “How is a car going to explode by a lighter and gasoline?”. Well, after some research, I found out that it is possible. It’s vapors! If it were anything other than gasoline–it wouldn’t be possible. However, gasoline doesn’t need a high temperature to ignite a flame–in fact, the very opposite! All it needed was a few drops of the leaking gasoline on the lighter to cause vapors and ignite the flame. So that’s how that happened!

Now you see the SHINee members running over to the flaming car in hopes of Minho being alive but knowing he isn’t, of course. The main purpose of the video is focusing on all the members’ guilt. Taemin feels the most guilt because of how he fought with Minho and caused Minho to want to run away. He also feels guilty because it was his lighter. Hence, all the guns pointing at him.

Onew feels guilty because he never said anything. The chained gun represents how he was unable to express his feelings and regrets it. He feels he should have kept them all together.

Jonghyun throughout the music video was pretty much caught up in his own world, his struggles, depression, and feels guilty for not doing enough to keep them together.

Key feels guilt because it was his car. His car that exploded and killed them.

I didn’t explain it too well but I hope you understand enough! Again, it’s up for you to interpret 🙂

I already said in the album review how it’s one of my favorite Korean title tracks from them recently ❤

I never had a problem with any of the clothes during this era. The only problem I had was that this era was too short!

The hairstyles are all on point. I actually like that color on Minho. The only one I’m not crazy about is Key…the color is…meh!

The dance…is…good? I still feel like the cameras never really focused on it enough. From what I saw, it looked good, though! Choreographer Lee Taemin! 😀 😀 😀 😀 I like how the silk sheets represents bound by guilt and such. It’s nicely done! I just want to see more!

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Review: “1 and 1” 5th Album Repackage

1: “Tell Me What To Do”

This is a favorite title track in awhile for me, actually. Well, there was “MTTM”…so apart from that? I don’t think I’ve loved a title track this much (in terms of Korean title tracks) since “Sherlock”. The vocals are really amazing in this! I wasn’t sure if I would like the EDM in the background (it sounds cute, haha) but it worked out well.

2: “별빛 바램 (Wish Upon a Star)”

It’s very pretty! They know I’m a sucker for violins XD I do prefer other ballads much more so this one doesn’t fall at the very top of my list. Still nice, though!

3: “한마디 (Beautiful Life)”

One of the best on the album! I’m actually blessed to be able to hear Minho’s voice, too ❤

4: “Rescue”

This chorus has a way of getting stuck in your head XD Another good song on this repackage! Honestly, everything is good ❤

5: “If You Love Her”

This!  This has made it into my favorite ballad list!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

I’m not going to review the instrumentals because…yeah…they’re just instrumentals ^^;;

For the songs that appear on “1 of 1” you can go here –> https://shineeverybody.wordpress.com/2016/10/08/review-1-of-1-5th-full-album/

Rating: 5/5 Stars

I feel like I haven’t been able to rate anything fives stars lately, so this makes me happy! 😀 ❤


Special Review: “Kiss Kiss Kiss”

Someone has been wanting me to review this song 🙂 The reason I haven’t–it appears on a single (“Juliette (Japanese Ver.), to be exact) and I don’t review singles. I never review singles because they usually show up on full albums sometime or another but this song hasn’t. I’ll wait out “Kimi no Sei de” a bit longer XD

The song is a nice, classic SHINee song. How many Shawols know what I mean by “classic”? XD You know…it’s just…SHINee–ish! It gives you that pleasant SHINee feel that reminds you of what makes them so unique.

Ah, this song brings me back ❤ Definitely an old goodie!

Rating: 5/5 Stars

A rare occasion to rate just one song but it was requested (as I said) 🙂

Review: SHINee “1 of 1” Music Video

This music video is very simple, which is what they were going for. The white background and everything is supposed to be representing their concept. What my idea is for the plot is the fact that even with all these girls around, you’re still their number one 🙂 At least, that’s what I’m assuming.

The dance is very simple. SHINee aimed for something simple but they said it still had a way of being SHINee-ish XD It’s not my favorite. It’s okay.

The only hairstyles I’m not really into is Key’s. Minho’s grew on me ❤ And Jonghyun still has that perfect “Base” look! I really love Onew’s auburn–it looks good on him. Taemin’s? Well, not much to say 😉 ❤

I’m enjoying the clothes for this era! The suits are my favorite. There is only one set of outfits I’m not crazy about but they hardly wear them so it’s not a problem.

There’s one downfall to this music video–Onew was injured so he couldn’t dance. He just sat throughout the whole thing 😦

Rating: 4/5 Stars

While Onew didn’t dance, I felt like they made up for it by giving him a good amount of screen time 🙂

Review: “1 of 1” 5th Full Album

1: “Prism”

This song is enjoyable! It definitely has a Jonghyun vibe to it (seeing as he took part in it) but it’s a good vibe for me this time around 🙂

2: “1 of 1”

Honestly, I thought this would be another “View” at first. I thought I wouldn’t like the song first listen but I ended up really liking it! It’s nice to have a title track I can like right off the bat without adjusting to it like I did with “View”. It’s catchy! One of the reasons I like this is because I feel like it has one of the best bridges in K-Pop songs ever. I love the bridge! ❤

3: “Feel Good”

I love this song so much! It’s definitely my favorite on the album–hands down! Give this track five stars XD Everyone had their parts and showcased their voices beautifully, too 🙂

4: “투명 우산 (Don’t Let Me Go)”

Known as “Invisible Umbrella” ❤ This song is one of the best on the album! I like the rain at the end 🙂 Nice!

5: “Lipstick”

So far, so good, right? Well….this is where things get a little tricky for me. I don’t dislike this song but I don’t love it, either. Call it average? Just…eh, doesn’t do much for me…

6: “Don’t Stop”

This reminds me of a song from the “Odd” album. Like a slow version of “Black Hole”, maybe? XD Eh, not bad! I remember it, at least…

7: “Shift”

The intro sounds like a racing game track from “Super Nintendo” XD You know what I’m talking about, right? The background chipmunk sounding thing is a bit unnecessary. Again, not bad.

8: “U Need Me”

I hate it. I cannot listen to this, SHINee, I’m sorry. I love my boys but definitely not this song! It’s just…annoying…

9: “So Amazing”

I feel like the chorus is good! I like the chorus! The rest of the song…is just…not memorable? It’s just lacking, I don’t know. But the chorus is good 🙂

Rating: 3½/5 Stars

This album was very hard for me. I felt three stars would be harsh but four stars too much–leaving to decide the middle!

There were songs I liked a lot and others were just in the “meh” category for me. While SHINee certainly delivered an 80s/90s album (which they deserve five stars for!), I found I’m just not really interested in that musical era too much.

For those who love that era, definitely listen to this album! It would be gold for you 🙂

For me? I feel like the rating it got is fair.

I wish I could rate it five stars for the fact SHINee can do any type of music they want and do it well! I wish I could give it five stars for SHINee always trying something different for themselves and their fans–not going with the rest of the K-Pop industry (which is why K-Pop songs sound the same these days). But…I can’t 😦

Thank you, SHINee!!! ❤

Review: Taemin–“Sayonara Hitori” Music Video

This plot is (as stated by Taemin himself) pretty much just him being stuck in between Heaven and Hell and being forever alone. A place that’s not of this world. It goes along well with the lyrics and this song translates to “Solitary Goodbye”.

He wanted to go for the oriental Japanese theme here and did just that! Look at those outfits ❤ Wait a minute…okay…but doesn’t he kind of look like a real life “Final Fantasy” character here?


Not necessarily Cloud but you get my point 😛

This is the first music video ever to use this type of CG, by the way! My favorite place in particular was the fire area. It’s cool!

You know how much I like the song and dance but I won’t hesitate to tell you again……I LOVE THEM!!! ❤

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Why does Taemin always have to make everything so perfect and make me seem like a biased Taemint? XD